Buy Your Own US Business: Questions About the E2 Visa

By Michael Monnot –

What is an E2 visa?

If you are a business owner or budding entrepreneur in a country outside of the United States, one of the ways to get a visa that will allow you to live and work in the U.S. is to invest in a U.S. business venture. An E2 visa is a popular way to come to the United States because it does not require sponsorship, you will just need sufficient funds to invest into a e2 U.S. business.

How much money would I need to get an E2 visa?

There is not currently a minimum (or maximum) investment that is required in order to apply for the E2 visa, but typically a business owner or new entrepreneur would need somewhere in the neighborhood of $80,000 to $120,000. That being said, every situation is different and will need to be evaluated by a business broker familiar with the E2 visa process. If you have a question about the funds needed to purchase a business in the U.S., you can contact us here.

Who will I need to work with to buy a business in the U.S.?

The E2 visa process requires the expertise of professionals who are familiar with E2 cases, so you will need the services of a business broker who has E2 visa experience and also a qualified immigration attorney. We have both, so please feel free to contact us here to speak with an E2 experienced broker or to get in touch with a qualified immigration attorney.

Are you a business owner who came to the U.S. on an E2 visa? Are you someone who is interested in the E2 visa process, but has questions? Ask us! Please leave a comment or question here and we would be happy to help.

Michael Monnot


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